Casky L & N Railroad Station

Casky L & N Railroad Station 
circa 1912

In late 1867 the Evansville, Henderson, and Nashville Railroad was built from Pembroke to Casky. Casky was established as a shipping point on the railroad in 1867.The L. & N. acquired the line in 1879. It is generally believed that the station and population were named from James Casky, who donated the land for the depot. James was the son of Joseph Casky, a Virginian who had arrived in Christian County in the 1830's and acquired extensive land holdings in the area southeast of Hopkinsville. A combination passenger and freight station was built in 1888.

Railroad agents included"

  • W.L. Casky 
  • W.A. Whitlow, Jr. 
  • W.W. Watson 
  • J.C. Armistead 
  • G.D. Thacker 
  • J.N. Jackson 
  • J.W. Langley 
  • W.P. Burba 
  • Katherine Nunn 
  • Bertie Pedigo 
Passenger service was discontinued in 1939 and the station was torn down.

Casky Baptist Church

Precious memories of the old Casky Baptist church which was organized in 1886. This picture circa about 1912. The old church was torn down in 1968 and a new church has been built.

L.H. Huggins General Store

L.H. Huggins General Store about 1928

Casky was established as a shipping point on the railroad in 1867. The Post Office was operated out of several stores from May 18, 1868 until it was discontinued December 30, 1933. Men from left: THOMAS C. TAYLOR, EDGAR LEE BOYD, L. H. HUGGINS and JAMES A. WOLFE. Huggins operated this store from 1909 to 1946.
Casky 1895 and 1896

Stop by the general store for a 'cold drink', a nickel sack of sugar, and a plug of tobacco. Sit a spell and listen to the happenings' on the front porch!

Jan 1895
Born to the wife of Mr. R. Green Rickman, of Casky, a fine boy Friday morning.

Mr. John Pickford has been appointed agent for the L. and N. at Casky and has taken charge of the duties of the office. Although a young man, he is old in the L. & N. service, having filled the place of agent for the company at Empire for several years and also for some time at Providence.

Mr. C. G. Shepherd and Miss Linnie Newman were united in marriage last Thursday at the home of Mr. R.B. Johnson, near Casky. 
FOR SALE - 2 Jersey Cows with young calves, Apply to Winston Henry, Casky, Ky.
Jan - Mar 1896
Miss Sallie Clark returned Sunday from a visit to Miss Jennie Winfree at Casky.
Miss Florence Rives, of Casky, is visiting friends in the city this week.

Fire Near Casky

A large smoke-house belonging to Mr. W.A. Reed, of Casky, was destroyed by fire, together with a large quantity of meat, one night last week. Mr Reed was 'firing' his meat and the supposition is that it caught in this manner. The lost is about $500,no insurance.

Mr. Walter E. Warfield, of Casky, has been granted a certificate of good character by the County Court and will make application for license to practice law here.
Miss Katie Bradshaw, of Casky, is the guest of Miss Kate Wooldridge.

Ladies Serious Injury

Mrs. Green Thompson, of Casky neighborhood, met with a serious and perhaps fatal accident late Monday evening. Wile standing on the back porch she lost her balance and fell to the ground, a distance of ten feet. When found she was in an unconscious condition and at last account had not fully revived. Physicians are apprehensive that she received internal injuries.
The many friends of Mr. R.E. Rives, of Casky, who have been dangerously ill for several weeks, will be glad to learn that he has so far recovered that he will be up in a few days.

For Forty Days

J.W. Frields was given 40 days in the work house for carrying a pistol. Frields is the man who, some weeks ago, shot and dangerously wounded Maggie Wilkins, of Henderson, who formerly lived near Casky.

Destructive Conflagration at Casky

The large two story frame dwelling of Mr. William H. Burt, a well known young farmer living near Casky, was consumed by fire, together with nearly all its contents, about twelve o'clock Thursday night. The loud barking of the dogs waked Mr. Burt and his wife from their slumbers just in time to save them from a horrible death. The supposition is that the fire originated from a defective flue. A sewing machine and a few articles of wearing apparel were all that were saved. The loss will foot up between $3,000 and $4,000. There was an insurance of !,600 on building and contents.
Mr. R. F. Rives, of Casky, is still in bed with the fourth trouble, pleurisy, that has set up with him since his illness. The doctor thinks he has it under control, but in Mr. Rives weakened condition it will be sometime before he can hope to get up again.
Branch Vaughan, one of the oldest men in the county, died of pneumonia Saturday at his home near Casky.
April 7, 1896

A Horse Stolen At Casky
A Negro boy named Huber Wagoner, aged 17 years old, living at Casky, stole a horse belonging to Samuel Gibson, in the same neighborhood, Saturday night. He rode the horse to Bell's station and Boliver and tried to sell him. At the later place Mr. L.L. Leavell recognized the animal and Wagoner was taken in charge. He told conflicting stories and was taken to Casky, where it was learned that the horse had been stolen, as above stated. Mr. Gibson's brother brought him to jail Sunday evening. The horse was recovered.

Betty Sellers/Mt. Vernon, In.
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